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Needs Assessment


The Younger Minds Project involves assessing resource needs for secondary-school aged students’ mental health and substance use issues. This involves the creation of a Student Advisory Committee and Stakeholder Engagement Sessions, which provide collective insights regarding youth needs and best approaches for further engaging youth in the adaptation of the Minder app. A Minder Feedback survey was also created which involved collecting feedback about the existing features of the Minder app.

Student Advisory Committee

Stakeholder Engagement Sessions

Minder Feedback Survey


We will analyze help-seeking behaviours using adminstrative data to understand the landscape of mental health and substance use (MHSU) issues among youth (aged 12-19 years), as well as how these early needs evolve during adulthood. This needs assessment will explore the impact of early determinants on lifelong mental health and substance use needs. In other words, understanding the childhood factors (e.g., behavioral, environmental) that may predict MHSU issues and help-seeking behaviors during the target ages as well as identify the concerns and help-seeking patterns in adulthood that may be predicted by MHSU-related needs during the target ages.

Administrative Data

Image from Nick Iwanyshyn / University of Toronto Communications
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© 2024 Minder (Student E-Mental Health Project)


This project is graciously funded by Health Canada. Any content seen on this website is not necessarily a reflection of Health Canada's values or opinions.

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