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Publications and Media


Under pressure: Anxiety and depression are widespread among today’s students. Campuses are helping the vulnerable find healthy ways to cope.

November 2023

Read about mental health initatives at UBC in this alumni UBC article, featuring the Student e-Mental Health project and some of its findings.


Co-developing tools to support student mental health and substance use: Minder app development from conceptualization to realization.

Vereschagin, M., Wang, A. Y., Leung, C., Richardson, C. G., Hudec, K. L., Doan, Q., Virk, P., Halli, P., Wojcik, K. D., Munro, L., Chai, B. S., Mori, T., Sha, M., Mittertreiner, E., Farkou, A., Sigamany, D., & Vigo, D. (2023). Journal of Behavioural Cognitive Therapy, Volume 33, Issue 1. DOI: 10.1016.j.jbct.2023.02.002

March 2023

Want to learn more about how Minder was designed and co-created with UBC students, staff, and faculty? Check out this publication!


The effects of nonclinician guidance on effectiveness and process outcomes in digital mental health interventions: Systematic review and meta-analysis

Leung, C., Pei, J., Hudec, K., Shams, F., Munthali, R., & Vigo, D. (2022). Journal of Medical Internet Research. doi: 10.2196/36004

June 15, 2022

Check out this new publication led by Calista Leung and Julia Pei on nonclinician guidance in digital mental health interventions! This publication will help guide the development of the peer coaching component in Minder.


Mental Health and Self-Care in Students

March 24, 2021

Dr. Daniel Vigo, Angel Wang, Lonna Munro, and Dr. Marisa Young co-wrote this blog post on Sage Perspectives highlighting the results of our recent publication!


New Study Examines Students' Mental Health and COVID-19 

January 28, 2021 

Our project and collaborator Dr. Marisa Young was featured on McMaster University's Brighter World page!


Effectiveness of the Minder Mobile Mental Health and Substance Use Intervention for University Students: Randomized Controlled Trial

Vereschagin, M., Wang, A. Y., Richardson, C. G., Xie, H., Munthali, R. J., Hudec, K. L., Leung, C., Wojcik, K. D., Munro, L., Halli, P., Kessler, R. C., & Vigo, D. V. (2024). Journal of medical Internet research, 26, e54287.

March 2024

The results are out! Read about the outcomes of our randomized control trial testing Minder with 1489 UBC students!


Evaluating the effectiveness of a co-developed e-mental health intervention for university students: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Wang, A. Y., Vereschagin, M., Richardson, C. G., Xie, H., Hudec, K. L., Munthali, R. J., Munro, L., Leung, C., Kessler. R. C., & Vigo, D. (2023). JMIR Research Protocols. DOI: 10.2196/49364.

July 2023

This publication outlines the process of creating the randomized controlled trial designed to test the effectiveness of Minder!


Blue & Gold Podcast: Student Mental Health - There's an App for That!

July 2, 2021

In this episode of the Blue & Goldcast, UBC President and Vice Chancellor Santa Ono talks to Dr. Daniel Vigo about Minder!


Knowing someone with COVID-19 increased men’s anxiety more than women’s

March 25, 2021

"It started as a research project to track student mental health over an entire term at university." Initial findings from our recently published paper in BJPsych Open were featured by the UBC Faculty of Medicine! 


Investigating the effect of COVID-19 Dissemination on Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression for University Students 

Vigo, D., Jones, L., Munthali, R., Pei, J., Westenberg, J., Munro, L., . . . Richardson, C. BJPsych Open, 7(2), E69. Published March 19, 2021.

Check out our recently published study in BJPsych Open led by Dr. Daniel Vigo and various other lab members on the effects of COVID-19 within the UBC student population!

Image by Martin Dee / UBC Brand & Marketing

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© 2024 Minder (Student E-Mental Health Project)


This project is graciously funded by Health Canada. Any content seen on this website is not necessarily a reflection of Health Canada's values or opinions.

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